
[Others] Do transformers work off of resonance?

Do transformers work off of resonance? I have been told they dont, so why do they work best at one frequency if they DONT use resonance?

[Others] MCU controlled buck converter?

If it's possible to control the power output of a 12V/150W heating element using some sort of buck converter circuit. It should step down the 12V input to various voltages required to vary the out...

[Others] Adding "Continuous current limiting" to a Buck converter with "Short Circuit Protection"

Hi, I have a beefy 12V 60A output buck converter which is advertised as having "Short Circuit Protection", I was wondering if I can use a current limiting circuit to essentially make this su...

[Others] How much power can a flyback transformer core transform?

I have a bunch of dead TV line transformers that I salvaged the ferrite core from. Typically these run around 20 to 40kHz or so.If I remove the air gap and use these cores as traditional high frequenc...
  • answered Sep 29,2020
    by Paul H

[Others] Soldering question: how to reliably solder thin stranded copper wires together?

I've been struggling with soldering some very small stranded copper wires together. The wires are very high gauge (seems like 26awg) and there's maybe only 10 or so thin strands. After strippi...

[Others] Is it s kind of connector?

It connects directly to gold fingers on PCB. Edge Connector? IDC?

[Others] How to prevent DIP pin from connecting to Vcc layer.

I have a 4 layer board with internal power layers. I'm trying to add a decoupling cap to a DIP IC. The problem I 'believe' I have is that the 10 Pin is set to Vcc net and Altium is c...
  • answered Sep 25,2020
    by Remy

[Others] Can the output voltage of an opamp damage the opamp if it is amplified to a level beyond either of the supply rails?

If I am making a differential amplifier (for example) with both input voltages within the limits - if the output signal is amplified beyond either of the rail voltages (<Vee or >Vcc) would this ...
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