6 DOF Bipedal Robot

Started in August 2015, the Tinkerer’s Lab deals with Robotics, Embedded Systems, Power Electronics, Image Processing, Automation and allied fields. Since its formation, the lab has already achieved quite a lot. We aim to create awareness and promote electronics at V.E.S. Institute of Technology, Mumbai, take up interesting projects, mentor our juniors, organize workshops and seminars for them, etc.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tinkerers.lab.vesit/

Website: https://tinkererslabvesit.wordpress.com/

Till now, we have been manufacturing single-sided PCBs by the toner transfer method on own, due to lack of infrastructure of manufacturing much more complex double-sided boards. This limitation also limits our technical advancement as we are not able to design high quality single or double-sided boards.

As an encouragement for everyone to move on to high quality boards, we have designed one for our project titled, ‘Design of a 6 DOF Bipedal Robot with Imitation Learning’.

Technical Details

Outside of controlled settings, robots have only performed sophisticated manipulation tasks when operated by a human. Through teleoperation, even highly complex humanoid robots have performed a variety of challenging everyday manipulation tasks, such as grasping everyday objects, performing human motions and working in harsh environment.

In our project we are designing a 6 DOF bipedal walking robot. We are using a Kinect V2 camera for Gesture recognition of human motions and implement similar motions on the developed bipedal structure. It’s design and structure are shown in photos. The control circuit consist of Arduino Mega Microcontroller Board interfaced with various sensor and modules like IMU MPU6050 gyroscope module for orientation detection, Zigbee S1 Module for wireless connectivity, power circuitry, etc.

Robot manipulation and tele-operation in remote human environments is a young research area, but one that is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years as more researchers seek to create robots that can actively help us in our daily lives. Our project deals with the design & implementation of two-legged bipedal robot. With this project we aim to learn and implement a few of the algorithms currently deployed in advanced humanoid robots.


Words to PCBWay

PCBWay's sponsorship means a lot to us as it would open paradigms for our research potential.  We would be thankful to PCBWay if the PCBs are sponsored in the process and would help us in stretching our design limitations and quality of project that are currently imposed upon us due to lack of proper manufacturing infrastructure.

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Mar 05,2018
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